Monday, October 22, 2007

Really I Posted?


I am sorry I haven't posted in awhile...
I haven't been up to much...except I have been wondering what I should be for a costume party Its on Tuesday night.....I might be a person who works at the pound....
I am going to buy some slippers....they look like a dog is eating your foot,
i will post what they look like tonight so you can see,

I would like some help with finding out what I should be...something with the slipper's will see what I've decided tomorrow...
I really would like to know your opinion,

and we have a new pet!!!!
It's a Spider...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will also post the picture tonight with the slippers,
we had Elephant(the spider..yes we have even named it(boys have named it)creepy isn't it?)In a jar..a small jar we used to feed Elephant we haven't got any..well we do but were not able to catch them,so we put a cockroach in with was alive the W3HOLE time..that is..until we moved Elephant into an empty Ice Cream now has two rocks and a few blades of grass and also a stick...

we think that Elephant is a wolf spider,It is the biggest wolf spider I've ever seen!

Its is a COLD day today...the last time I heard it was about 60 degree's Fahrenheit,

Pepsi is doing quite well..she slept on my bed last night...she snore REALLY loud!lol.
last night she must have been dreaming she was racing another dog..she was breathing hard and she was also trying to run(move her legs...she was sleeping on her legs so this trying to"run"made her Hips twitch and her Shoulders twitch!)

and tomorrow i will hold a Caption Contest!



... said...

yay for caption contests! looking forward to seeing your slippers. and i love the pencil and eraser you have on your sidebar. i had fun playing with them =]

Pen of Jen said...

I love how busy you have been that you have not been able to post...I cannot wait until the caption contest
Love ya

TO BECOME said...

Fourth, I am so glad you are back, I have missed you very much. Hope everthing works out with the shoes.
connie from Texas